2020 Videos - English
Donald Trump doesn't care about Asian Americans, just like he doesn't care about the national pandemic crisis.
We need a leader who will beat the coronavirus and help our communities succeed.
This is how Trump responds to questions from Weijia Jiang, one of the only Asian American White House correspondents.
Asian Americans are fighting two diseases: coronavirus and racism. Help us elect a new president who calls out bigotry.
Chinese - 廣東話
美籍華裔分享他們選舉拜登的原因。我們需要 拜登 。[Traditional Chinese]
「 我覺得Trump一點都沒有做過關心我們社區的事情。」[Traditional Chinese]
我是一个高危人士,我们需要尊重专家意见的领袖,我选拜登。 [Traditional Chinese]
我們需要一位能夠征服病毒 並幫助我們社團成功的領袖。[Traditional Chinese]
Chinese - 普通話 / 國語
美籍华人告诉你:疫情如何影响了他们的生活,以及他们为什么拜登。[Traditional Chinese]
一位美籍華裔的醫生講述她在這次新冠疫情中所面對的殘酷現實。[Traditional Chinese]
一位美籍华裔讲述:为什么曾忠实支持共和党的她,绝对不会选举特朗普。 [Simplified Chinese]
听这位教师讲述孩子们在新冠疫情下的学习生活,讲述她作为教师、作为学校中的一员所面临的困境。 [Simplified Chinese]
我們需要一位能夠征服病毒 並幫助我們社團成功的領袖。[Traditional Chinese]
Trailblazing journalist and legendary news anchor Connie Chung urges Asian Americans to vote for Biden [Traditional Chinese]
Korean 한국어
우리에게 필요한 대통령은 코로나의 심각성을 알고, 코로나를 종식시킬 수 있도록 도와주는 대통령입니다. [Korean]
한국계 미국인 의사는 코로나19 팬데믹 상황이 왜 이렇게 힘들고 어렵게 됐는지 얘기합니다. [Korean]
이 기독교인은 이웃 사랑에 대해 말합니다. 그것이 바로 우리 나라를 하나되게 하기 위해 조 바이든에게 투표해야 하는 이유입니다. [Korean]
A speech-language therapist for preschoolers talks about why she's worried during the pandemic. 유아원 언어치료사는 코로나 바이러스 사태 중에 왜 걱정이 많은지 말합니다. [Korean with English]
Trailblazing journalist and legendary news anchor Connie Chung urges Asian Americans to vote for Biden. [Korean subtitles]
Hmong - Hmoob
Hmong Americans talk about the violence against Black and Brown communities as a result of the racist systems that the Trump presidency promotes. [Hmong with English subtitles]
A Hmong American community leader talks about Trump's lack of leadership over the last four years and why he's voting for Biden. [Hmong with English subtitles]
Chinese - Cantonese
Chinese Americans share why they’re voting for Biden. [English subtitles]
A Republican voter: "Trump hasn't cared about or helped our community at all." [English subtitles]
“Every time the media asks about the American death toll, he deflects responsibility.” [English subtitles]
Trailblazing journalist Connie Chung urges Asian Americans to vote for Joe Biden. [Traditional Chinese subtitles]
Chinese - Mandarin
Chinese Americans share how the pandemic has affected them. [English subtitles]
A doctor shares heartbreaking stories about the COVID-19 pandemic. [English subtitles]
A Republican supporter explains why she absolutely will not vote for Trump. [English subtitles]
A teacher talks about how the pandemic has affected her and her students. [English subtitles]
我们需要一个能够战胜病毒并帮助我们的社团取得成功的领袖。[Simplified Chinese]
Trailblazing journalist and legendary news anchor Connie Chung urges Asian Americans to vote for Biden. [Simplified Chinese]
Korean Americans talk about how the pandemic has affected them and why they're voting Biden. [English subtitles]
A doctor speaks about how the lack of a national pandemic response has impacted her hospital. [English subtitles]
A Christian talks about loving his neighbor, and why he's voting for Joe Biden to unite our country. [English subtitles]
우리에게는 바이러스를 이기고 지역 사회를 도울 진정한 지도자가 필요합니다. We need a leader who will beat the coronavirus and help our communities succeed. [Korean]
Hmong - Hmoob
Hmong American leaders speak out on the issues that matter in their community and why Biden is the better choice. [Hmong with English subtitles]
A Hmong American family shares their story of COVID-19 and why we need a president who will help more American access healthcare. [Hmong with English subtitles]